Sunday, May 5, 2019

May has arrived!

May is a month for flowers and our second grade is the growing place!  Check out these photos and videos of the flowering plants for our pollinator garden in our grow lab. This first video and picture series is from April vacation.

These are our beautiful plants as of the first week in May!

We are excited to be growing these plants for our pollinator garden habitat.  We look forward to welcoming bees, bats, butterflies, and birds to help pollination occur and support the resurgence of the pollinators to our area.

Speaking of pollination, we dissected an alstroemeria flower this week.  We labeled the parts of the flower and described the process of pollination.  We glued and labeled the petals, sepal, stamen, pistil, pollen, and ovary of the alstroemeria flower in our science notebooks.  

The flowers we planted went directly into the soil.  On Friday we began the process of germination with some pole beans.    This process will help us all see the strength and power of the bean seed as it germinates in our window.  

As mathematicians, we are building numbers with place value pieces, using expanded notation, symbolic notation as well as writing the word names of numbers.  We are problem-solving with situations involving numbers within 1000.  We started our unit test on Friday with a focus on addition, subtraction, place value, money and problem solving.

As writers, we are strengthening our foundation skills of writing sentences.  Students are writing complete, simple and compound sentences, with a capital letter, punctuation, subject, and predicate. We have been writing for a variety of purposes as well as some skill practice.  

During our reader's workshop time we are using a shared reading to support writing summaries of our reading.  We are also enjoying some reading time in partnerships as well as independently.  

This sign was drawn and placed on our bathroom door.  "This is an everyone bathroom because we all use it."  Honestly, could I be more grateful for such a phenomenal group of accepting, thoughtful, intelligent and inspired students? 

I hope you have a great week!
Thank you for all that you do,
Jen Belisle